Better information about your collection, water, and stormwater systems
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A professional engineering and pipeline condition assessment specialist serving communities across the country by extending and restoring the useful service life of sewer, water, and stormwater assets.
Digital automation transforms data
Predictive analytics elevate response
Visualize trends and hot spots
Make confident decisions
RJN engineers understand the challenges you face with wastewater collection system management. We can help you plan, study, design, and improve your sewer assets to ensure services that meet community growth needs and the ever-changing regulatory climate.
As storm impacts continue to increase, proactive stormwater asset management is becoming a more pressing issue. RJN engineers can help you advance your goals by evaluating conditions, analyzing drainage flows, identifying funding options, and designing improvements to minimize community stormwater impacts.
Reliable water services and minimizing non-revenue water loss ensure the integrity and service life of your community's water distribution systems. RJN engineers can tailor programs to meet your needs, from hydrant and valve exercising to in-pipe assessments and design to construction management.
Aging infrastructure creates opportunities for sewer inflow and infiltration or clean water to enter collection systems, robbing them of critical capacity and increasing treatment costs. We will work with you to deliver a tailored inflow and infiltration reduction program, using proven investigation techniques, I/I quantification routines, and risk analytics to restore your design capacity.
RJN engineers know that understanding your system hydraulics is critical to effective system studies, design verifications, master planning, regulatory monitoring, billing, and capital planning. We design and manage flow monitoring networks using flow meters, level sensors, rain gauges, and groundwater gauges to produce high-quality data that can be used confidently.
RJN field professionals can help you build asset inventories or provide condition data for capital and maintenance planning. As engineers, we know the decision-making details are in the quality of the underlying data. We continually test and adopt emerging tools and technologies to promote field inspection efficiencies and data reliability.
As infrastructure ages and budgets tighten, more and more emphasis is being placed on operating water infrastructure systems efficiently. RJN’s risk-based system analysis delivers actionable intelligence that reduces costs through informed maintenance and rehabilitation programs. Simply put, our goal is to help our clients achieve the longest asset life cycles at the lowest cost.