RJN Celebrates 50 Years with a $50,000 Donation

The funds will be used to further ecological restoration of our Nation's waterways.

RJN Foundation President Florence Nogaj (left) and RJN President & CEO Paul Costa (right) present Rachel Wadsworth, American Rivers Vice President (center), with a check for $50,000 to support environmental stewardship.

RJN Foundation Makes Record-Breaking Donation to Support Clean Water Initiatives

RJN Group, Inc. commemorates a half-century of water infrastructure innovation, a journey that began with founder Richard J. Nogaj's profound commitment to the environment, inspired by the landmark Clean Water Act of 1972. This cultivated a legacy of water industry engineering and environmental stewardship at RJN that would span half a century. In celebration of reaching the milestone of providing water infrastructure solutions for 50 years, RJN Group Inc., through its philanthropic arm, RJN Foundation, hit another milestone in 2025. RJN Foundation has presented American Rivers, Inc., with a $50,000 grant to support the removal of the Cypress Branch Dam in Millington, MD.

Supporting Vibrant Ecosystems 

RJN Foundation president Florence Nogaj said this is the largest single grant the foundation has ever awarded.

Florence Nogaj

The RJN Foundation's mission is to improve the quality of life for all people, especially children. Removing the Cypress Dam fits our mission perfectly, as it will improve public safety, restore ecosystems, and improve water quality for all."

--Florence Nogaj

The removal of the dam at Cypress Branch State Park near Millington, Maryland, will breathe new life into the river, restoring the natural flow of Cypress Branch and reviving the surrounding habitat. This project will reconnect fish to their historic migratory routes and enhance flood resiliency—reducing downstream flood risks and making the area safer for local communities. By letting the river run free, we’re not just removing a barrier; we’re creating a healthier, more vibrant ecosystem that benefits both people and wildlife.

It is truly incredible how fast rivers restored to their natural, free-flowing state can bounce back. This gift will make an immediate impact on the communities surrounding the Cypress Dam and we appreciate the RJN Foundation for partnering with us and its commitment to rivers.” 

--Tom Kiernan, president and CEO of American Rivers.

A Legacy of Giving Back

For more than 25 years, the RJN Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, has promoted and encouraged employee stewardship in communities surrounding RJN office locations. Annual grants include both long-term grantees and new organizations. Civil and environmental undergraduate scholarships are awarded to colleges and universities nationwide, and the institution of higher learning selects each student.

“To date, the foundation has provided over $1 million across more than 700 grant awards since its inception,” Nogaj noted.

Through this donation, RJN continues its 50-year tradition of making a lasting impact on our communities and clients.

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