Planning a Sanitary Sewer System in Ben Wheeler, Texas

Ben Wheeler is a small community located in east Texas whose sanitary needs are being met with individual septic systems. A proposed plan to transition from septic to a sanitary sewer system has been discussed in years prior to allow growth and eliminate leaks and overflows; however, past efforts to secure federal funding and grants to assist with construction costs were unsuccessful.

Funding Assistance

Ben Wheeler partnered with RJN Group to assist the community with securing funding and designing a sanitary system to achieve this goal. Ben Wheeler received a $9M grant and $3M low-interest loan from USDA to install a sewer system and wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) to serve both commercial and residential users. The loan will include sewer services and decommissioning of the existing septic tanks for community members who choose to participate in the program.

Designing a Sewer System

Once the funding was procured, RJN began designing a sewer system to connect as many customers as possible while remaining within the funding allotted. Approximately 60 residential and 25 commercial properties are anticipated to be connected to the sewer system, with the ability for more future connections. A package wastewater treatment plant is being designed with a capacity that allows for future growth within the community.

Ben Wheeler

Preliminary design of Ben Wheeler's sewer system and wastewater treatment plant

Benefits of Hooking Up to the New System

Public outreach has been a critical aspect of the project to educate the Town and its residents about the benefits of the sewer system. RJN held several town hall-style meetings to present residents with the project details and the benefits of hooking up to the new sewer system. Free State Sewer Service and Water Supply Corporation will own, operate, and maintain the new sewer system.

Future Growth

The improvement and addition of a sewer system in Ben Wheeler will promote growth within the community that will allow for residential and commercial businesses to connect to the sanitary sewer system.

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