Valve Study Informs Asset Planning on the Bayou


Aerial view of the City of Beaumont

5 critical valves
found closed since 2017
33 % of assets
were inaccessible or unable to locate
1,072 valves
inspected and assessed

In order to understand the City of Beaumont's overall pipeline and valve conditions, a comprehensive study began in 2019 to verify the locations of water assets, assess conditions, and exercise valves ranging in size from 6- to 30-inches. At each valve site, GPS coordinates, valve type, size, material, operability, and condition were recorded using digital data collectors for attribute and site documentation. All findings were integrated into the City's geodatabase along with short- and long-term recommendations for phased infrastructure improvements. In Phase II of the valve study, the team captured and assessed conditions for valves ranging in size from 6- to 18-inches in diameter.


Project Metrics

  • Five critical valves were found closed; these valves (16 inches and larger) had been closed in preparation for Hurricane Harvey in 2017. RJN's team left them open to restore operating conditions and improve current system performance.
  • Though every effort to find the water assets (probing rods and metal detectors) was used, approximately 33% of the valves assigned to RJN were unable to be located (UTL). The City was not aware that so many of its valves were not immediately accessible; a list with approximate locations was created for follow-up investigations in Phase II.

Project Leaders

Jose Maldonado
Project Director

  • GPS locates and verifications
  • Condition assessment
  • Valve exercising
  • GIS integrations

City of Beaumont


Beaumont, Texas

Service Period

2019 — 2020

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