Virginia Beach, Virginia

RJN Group delivers innovative engineering solutions to Virginia Beach, VA, and communities across the East Coast and Appalachian regions. Our engineers specialize in comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Surveys (SSES), flow monitoring, and advanced hydraulic modeling to assess and optimize water and wastewater infrastructure. We deploy cutting-edge technologies, including multi-sensor inspection platforms and real-time monitoring systems, to evaluate pipeline and pump station conditions. Our data analytics team transforms complex system data into actionable asset management strategies, while our engineers develop master plans and capital improvement programs that balance performance with cost-effectiveness. Working closely with local utilities, we protect vital infrastructure through pragmatic solutions that serve growing communities. Our Virginia Beach team brings extensive experience in coastal and inland systems, helping utilities build resilience while maximizing their infrastructure investments.

We are experts in:


Virginia Beach
223 E. City Hall
Suite 200, Box 346
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
(800) 227-7838