Better information about your collection, water, and stormwater systems
Explore ClarityAs storms continue to increase in frequency and magnitude, flooding is a more pressing issue than ever for many communities. At RJN, we specialize in advanced stormwater solutions engineering and management services to address these challenges. Our team evaluates conditions, analyzes drainage flows and provides design solutions to ensure regulatory compliance.
One of the biggest challenges stormwater system owners face is knowing what assets they own, where they are located, and what condition they are in. All three are critical to capital and maintenance budgeting and planning for effective stormwater services.
Integrating data into an interactive GIS framework, we produce a precise map of your system as part of our stormwater management solutions. Our field professionals can also survey and record conditions.
and ensures your waterways and wetlands are protected. Our field staff can perform sampling, or we can train your staff on stormwater management services.
conducted by our engineers provides comprehensive assessments and recommendations for stormwater management and operational processes, offering effective stormwater solutions.
Our stormwater management services include NPDES and MS4 program assistance to ensure compliance and permit acquisition, incorporating best management practices and minimum control measures.
applies a robust blend of inventory data, artificial intelligence algorithms, and risk analytics, managed with our proprietary Clarity® Data Management Hub to focus annual televising, cleaning, and rehabilitation programs that maximize your capital dollars.
creates a roadmap for long-term management of stormwater assets to provide a sufficient level of protection for today and the future. Leveraging hydrologic and hydraulic (H&H) models and system conditions, our engineers deliver management and funding alternatives that ensure stormwater systems can meet your current and future needs.
deliver constructible and maintainable traditional and no-dig solutions for erosion control, combined sewer separation, rehabilitating or replacing pipelines, inlets, and structures, and adding detention.
for trenchless and open-cut installations ensure your projects are built to specification, on time, and within budget, regardless of project size.